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Annweiler C, Beaudenon M, Gautier J, Gonsard J, Boucher S, Chapelet G, Darsonval A, Fougère B, GuÉrin O, Houvet M et al..  2022.  High-dose versus standard-dose vitamin D supplementation in older adults with COVID-19 (COVIT-TRIAL): A multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled superiority trial.. PLoS Med. 19(5):e1003999.
Couderc A-L, Puchades E, Villani P, Arcani R, Farnault L, Daumas A, Courcier A, Greillier L, Barlesi F, Duffaud F et al..  2020.  High Serum Vitamin B12 Levels Associated with C-Reactive Protein in Older Patients with Cancer.. Oncologist. 25(12):e1980-e1989.
Berrut G, de Decker L, Aquino J-P, Ahmine S, Amalberti N, Arlaud C, Aubry A, Beau P, Behara H, Bernard F et al..  2020.  [Geriatric units at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic in France].. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 18(2):125-133.
Berrut G, de Decker L, Aquino J-P, Ahmine S, Amalberti N, Arlaud C, Aubry A, Beau P, Behara H, Bernard F et al..  2020.  [Geriatric units at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic in France].. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 18(2):125-133.
Berrut G, de Decker L, Aquino J-P, Ahmine S, Amalberti N, Arlaud C, Aubry A, Beau P, Behara H, Bernard F et al..  2020.  [Geriatric units at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic in France].. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 18(2):125-133.
Berrut G, de Decker L, Aquino J-P, Ahmine S, Amalberti N, Arlaud C, Aubry A, Beau P, Behara H, Bernard F et al..  2020.  [Geriatric units at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic in France].. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 18(2):125-133.
Berrut G, de Decker L, Aquino J-P, Ahmine S, Amalberti N, Arlaud C, Aubry A, Beau P, Behara H, Bernard F et al..  2020.  [Geriatric units at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic in France].. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 18(2):125-133.
Berrut G, de Decker L, Aquino J-P, Ahmine S, Amalberti N, Arlaud C, Aubry A, Beau P, Behara H, Bernard F et al..  2020.  [Geriatric units at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic in France].. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 18(2):125-133.
Berrut G, de Decker L, Aquino J-P, Ahmine S, Amalberti N, Arlaud C, Aubry A, Beau P, Behara H, Bernard F et al..  2020.  [Geriatric units at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic in France].. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 18(2):125-133.
Couderc A-L, Tomasini P, Greillier L, Nouguerède E, Rey D, Montégut C, Thomas P-A, Barlesi F, Villani P.  2022.  Functional status in older patients with lung cancer: an observational cohort study.. Support Care Cancer. 30(5):3817-3827.
Couderc A-L, Boulahssass R, Nouguerède E, Gobin N, GuÉrin O, Villani P, Barlesi F, Paillaud E.  2019.  Functional status in a geriatric oncology setting: A review.. J Geriatr Oncol. 10(6):884-894.
Couderc A-L, Boulahssass R, Nouguerède E, Gobin N, GuÉrin O, Villani P, Barlesi F, Paillaud E.  2019.  Functional status in a geriatric oncology setting: A review.. J Geriatr Oncol. 10(6):884-894.
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Bonin-Guillaume S, Arlotto S, Blin A, Gentile S.  2022.  Family Caregiver's Loneliness and Related Health Factors: What Can Be Changed? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 19(12)
Couderc A-L, Correard F, Hamidou Z, Nouguerède E, Arcani R, Weiland J, Courcier A, Caunes P, Clot-Faybesse P, Gil P et al..  2021.  Factors Associated With COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Deaths in French Nursing Homes.. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 22(8):1581-1587.e3.
Couderc A-L, Correard F, Hamidou Z, Nouguerède E, Arcani R, Weiland J, Courcier A, Caunes P, Clot-Faybesse P, Gil P et al..  2021.  Factors Associated With COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Deaths in French Nursing Homes.. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 22(8):1581-1587.e3.
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Sanchez-Rodriguez D, Sacco G, Gautier J, Brière O, Annweiler C.  2022.  Effects of malnutrition on mortality in oldest-old inpatients with COVID-19 in the GERIA-COVID cohort.. Maturitas. 161:40-43.
Thomas P-A, Couderc A-L, Boulate D, Greillier L, Charvet A, Brioude G, Trousse D, D'Journo X-B, Barlesi F, Loundou A.  2021.  Early-stage non-small cell lung cancer beyond life expectancy: Still not too old for surgery? Lung Cancer. 152:86-93.
Thomas P-A, Couderc A-L, Boulate D, Greillier L, Charvet A, Brioude G, Trousse D, D'Journo X-B, Barlesi F, Loundou A.  2021.  Early-stage non-small cell lung cancer beyond life expectancy: Still not too old for surgery? Lung Cancer. 152:86-93.
Thomas P-A, Couderc A-L, Boulate D, Greillier L, Charvet A, Brioude G, Trousse D, D'Journo X-B, Barlesi F, Loundou A.  2021.  Early-stage non-small cell lung cancer beyond life expectancy: Still not too old for surgery? Lung Cancer. 152:86-93.
Correard F, Couderc A-L, Arcani R, Weiland J, Courcier A, Berard C, Miola C, Berbis J, Villani P, Daumas A.  2021.  Drug-Drug Interactions in Patients with COVID-19 in Nursing Homes.. Drugs Aging. 38(7):633-635.
Correard F, Couderc A-L, Arcani R, Weiland J, Courcier A, Berard C, Miola C, Berbis J, Villani P, Daumas A.  2021.  Drug-Drug Interactions in Patients with COVID-19 in Nursing Homes.. Drugs Aging. 38(7):633-635.
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