
Résultats trouvés 26
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Filtres: Auteur is GuÉrin, Olivier and Mot-clé is Humans  [Réinitialiser les filtres]
Vaillant-Ciszewicz A-J, Gaillard E, Arlaud C, Zaafrane M, GuÉrin O.  2021.  [Dementia, effect of rocking therapy on behavioural disorders].. Soins Gerontol. 26(151):39-44.
Roche N, Chorin F, Gerus P, Deshayes M, GuÉrin O, Zory R.  2021.  Effects of age, gender, frailty and falls on spatiotemporal gait parameters: a retrospective cohort study.. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 57(6):923-930.
Bousquet J, Agache I, Blain H, Jutel M, Ventura MTeresa, Worm M, Del Giacco S, Benetos A, Bilo BMaria, Czarlewski W et al..  2021.  Management of anaphylaxis due to COVID-19 vaccines in the elderly.. Allergy. 76(10):2952-2964.
Annweiler C, Sacco G, Salles N, Aquino J-P, Gautier J, Berrut G, GuÉrin O, Gavazzi G.  2021.  National French Survey of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Symptoms in People Aged 70 and Over.. Clin Infect Dis. 72(3):490-494.
Boulahssass R, Chand M-E, Gal J, Dittlot C, Schiappa R, Rambaud C, Gonfrier S, GuÉrin O, Hannoun-Levi JMichel.  2021.  Quality of life and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) in older adults receiving Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) using a single fraction of Multi-Catheter Interstitial High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy (MIB). The SiFEBI phase I/II trial.. J Geriatr Oncol. 12(7):1085-1091.
Deshayes M, Corrion K, Zory R, GuÉrin O, Chorin F, d'Arripe-Longueville F.  2021.  Relationship between personality and physical capacities in older adults: The mediating role of subjective age, aging attitudes and physical self-perceptions.. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 95:104417.
Janczyk EMagdalena, Champigny N, Michel E, Raffaelli C, Annweiler C, Zory R, GuÉrin O, Sacco G.  2021.  Sonoelastography to Assess Muscular Stiffness Among Older Adults and its Use for the Diagnosis of Sarcopenia: A Systematic Review.. Ultraschall Med. 42(6):634-642.
Beauchet O, Matskiv J, Launay CP, Gaudreau P, Benatar D, Ptito A, Chou P, Allali G, Prate F, Vaillant-Ciszewicz A-J et al..  2022.  CARE frailty e-health scale: Association with incident adverse health outcomes and comparison with the Cardiovascular Health Study frailty scale in the NuAge cohort.. Maturitas. 162:37-43.
Piche E, Gerus P, Chorin F, Jaafar A, GuÉrin O, Zory R.  2022.  The effect of different dual tasks conditions on gait kinematics and spatio-temporal walking parameters in older adults.. Gait Posture. 95:63-69.
Annweiler C, Beaudenon M, Gautier J, Gonsard J, Boucher S, Chapelet G, Darsonval A, Fougère B, GuÉrin O, Houvet M et al..  2022.  High-dose versus standard-dose vitamin D supplementation in older adults with COVID-19 (COVIT-TRIAL): A multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled superiority trial.. PLoS Med. 19(5):e1003999.
Gerus P, Piche E, GuÉrin O, Chorin F, Zory R.  2022.  How fiber dynamics of plantarflexor and dorsiflexor muscles based on EMG-driven approach can explain the metabolic cost at different gait speeds.. Eur J Appl Physiol. 122(3):745-755.
Da Silva F, Colson SS, Zghal F, Chorin F, GuÉrin O, Monjo F.  2022.  Immediate voluntary activation deficits following submaximal eccentric contractions of knee extensors are associated with alterations of the sense of movement.. Sci Rep. 12(1):2338.
Piche E, Chorin F, Zory R, Freitas PDuarte, GuÉrin O, Gerus P.  2022.  Metabolic cost and co-contraction during walking at different speeds in young and old adults.. Gait Posture. 91:111-116.
Galvin A, Bertrand N, Boulahssass R, de Decker L, Dorval É, Clairaz B, Castaignède M, Mourey L, Baldini C, Bauvin E et al..  2022.  [Rethinking the management of elderly cancer patients : Proposals from the Age Cancer Priorities French Group].. Bull Cancer. 109(6):714-721.