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Marotte D, Chand-Fouche M-E, Boulahssass R, Hannoun-Lévi J-M.  2022.  Irradiation of localized prostate cancer in the elderly: A systematic literature review.. Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 35:1-8.
Marotte D, Gal J, Schiappa R, Gautier M, Boulahssass R, Chand-Fouche M-E, Hannoun-Lévi J-M.  2022.  High-dose-rate brachytherapy boost for elderly patients with intermediate to high-risk prostate cancer: 5-year clinical outcome of the PROSTAGE cohort.. Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 35:104-109.
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Moulias S, Berrut G, Salles N, Aquino J-P, GuÉrin O, Moulias R.  2021.  Manifesto for the rights of older people.. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil.
Mugnier B, Daumas A, Couderc A-L, Mizzi B, González T, Amrani A, Lévêque P, Aymes B, Argenson J-N, Villani P.  2019.  Clinical effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment in older patients: A fracture liaison service-based prospective study.. J Women Aging. 31(6):553-565.