Résultats trouvés 5
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Telemedication Reviews to Optimize Medication Prescription for Older People in Nursing Homes.. Telemed J E Health. 28(8):1225-1232.
2022. [Techniques from EMDR Psychotherapy : a tool against disruptive psycho-behavioural disorders?] Soins Gerontol. 24(140):36-40.
2019. [Towards a national strategy on the diagnosis of neurocognitive disorders. A shared approach among the French National College of General Practitioners and specialists of neurocognitive disorders].. Presse Med. 47(1):75-83.
2018. Transfusion practices in geriatric short stay unit before and after the French national health authority guidelines of 2014.. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 16(4):367-375.